Matthew Kasper
What's New....
October 2023 -
Matthew will make his debut with the Milwaukee Ballet October 26-29 for their production of Michael Pink's Dracula.
September 2023 -
Matthew was featured in Frontdoors Magazine Fall Arts Edition for his visionary collaboration with PYSO and the School of Ballet Arizona. Read the article here: Frontdoors Magazine
June 2023 -
Matthew was featured in Pointe and Dance Teacher Magazine for PYSO's collaboration with the School of Ballet Arizona on their production of Glazunov's Raymonda. Read the article here: Pointe Magazine
May 2023 -
Matthew concluded his seven year tenure as Resident Conductor with The Phoenix Symphony with successful concerts in April featuring Beethoven's seventh symphony and Strauss' Don Juan as well as a video recording project of Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings in May.